The moment we were all waiting for is finally here! Eclipse is on theaters and we all obviously rushed to the movie theaters everywhere! Eclipse premiered in Mexico on July 1st at 12:01 am. I did not get tickets for that show, however, I was in my seat next morning at 10:30 am. The earliest show I could found. I thought in that way there wouldn't be too much people and I would enjoy the movie even more. Well, I did enjoy the movie but there were a lot of people. Mostly females. I won't say girls or women because there were females of all ages.
My husband went with me and we were there waiting for the movie to begin and we would see 13 year old girls, 18 year old teens and ladies my age ( ha). But for the first time in my life I saw a big group of Twi-moms!!! I was so excited, they sat next to my husband and I kept watching them. I just wanted to see their reaction at the movie. I know I react like a little girl and I was wondering how a mom would react to it. I felt very good with myself, I wasn't acting like a little girl at the sight of Edward. Twi-moms were excited and they would giggle and even argue about Jacob and Edward. Seemed we had some Team Edward and Team Jacob moms.
The most unusual charecter in the movie theater was a guy that was dressed in a suit and sat next to me, by himself. I thought he was waiting for someone, but no. He seemed all excited with the action scenes and I even heard him groan a couple of times.
Anyway, on to the movie. I liked it! I thought it was amazing. At the beginning I just couldn't get used to the scenes of the book being cut but then I finally got the idea and I flowed with it. In the first scene we get to see Edward and Bella on the meadow, all in love and acting like any young couple. I love the Meadow scenes, I love Edward ( have I mentioned that?).
Like I said, I felt that the first part of the movie went too fast. In the book we were used to Bella attempting several times to run away from Edward's watch and meet Jacob in a detailed way. However, really, how would you put a 600 pages book into two hours of movie. I immediately got the idea and enjoyed the scenes.
I think the movie was absolutely well directed and produced. In terms of production it's the best of the three movies, in terms of story it is not. But then again, Eclipse has never been my favorite book, too much history and stories, not enough love scenes ( he he. See? giggling like a little girl).
My favorite scenes:
Meadow scenes: just because the meadow means a lot and usually we have a view into Edward's and Bella's relationship when they are all alone, not even Charlie sleeping next door.
Edward proposing to Bella: I felt my heart melting at every single word that came out of his mouth! My husband was next to me and still I was melting on the seat. I'm pretty sure I said something, can't remember.
Charlie's sex talk with Bella: It was so much better than in the book. I loved it! It was perfect and hilarious.
The training scenes: Amazing! We can see that they have enough budget now! I loved it.
The fight scene: Amazing as well, it is full with adrenaline and here's where the lonely guy next to me would be seating at the edge of his seat. When Bella cuts her arm he groaned.
Jasper: Yeah, I loved Jasper in this movie. He talks! Ha Ha! He has a nice voice when he is focused and serious! And we got to see Jasper and Alice kissing. So sweet!
The tent scene: That has always been one of my favorites in the book and I loved it in the movie. Not too far from what I imagined while reading it.
Bree's final scene: They did not make us suffer too much over her now that we all came to know her more. I felt really bad for her once I read the book.
What I thought it was missing:
More Jacob as a werewolf scenes with Bella: In the book Bella has a great relationship with Jacob as a werewolf. And we only get to see it one time in the whole movie. I would've love to have more of those.
The old Victoria: I was used to Victoria in the first movies. It was difficult for me to get used to it.
What made me react:
Bella asking Jacob to kiss her: Never liked it in the book, did not liked it in the movie. I wanted to close my eyes but how could I miss something like that? So, I watched and react.
All the body parts and Victoria's head: Ew. It wasn't too much but I'd never imagined that part while reading. So when I got to see that I reacted by just saying: Ew!
Edward: He always makes me react! Can't help it!
Jacob saying Edward is not that perfect: My answer to that was "He is" I said it outloud in the theater.
Maria asking Jasper to suck someone's blood: It was in spanish and what she said and how she said it was gross. That got another Ew out of me.
All in all, I loved the movie! It was amazing! I think it was great! They did the best to show everything that happens in the book and made us feel all excited about it. Now, we will be going back to watch the movie (I know I will, I know most of you will) and appreciate it even more.
I'm just glad that we have still two more movies to come and the best is yet to come! I know we all are waiting for some scenes ( ahem! Feathers!) and we will all be waiting for them!!
Have a Fangtastic Tale!
My husband went with me and we were there waiting for the movie to begin and we would see 13 year old girls, 18 year old teens and ladies my age ( ha). But for the first time in my life I saw a big group of Twi-moms!!! I was so excited, they sat next to my husband and I kept watching them. I just wanted to see their reaction at the movie. I know I react like a little girl and I was wondering how a mom would react to it. I felt very good with myself, I wasn't acting like a little girl at the sight of Edward. Twi-moms were excited and they would giggle and even argue about Jacob and Edward. Seemed we had some Team Edward and Team Jacob moms.
The most unusual charecter in the movie theater was a guy that was dressed in a suit and sat next to me, by himself. I thought he was waiting for someone, but no. He seemed all excited with the action scenes and I even heard him groan a couple of times.
Anyway, on to the movie. I liked it! I thought it was amazing. At the beginning I just couldn't get used to the scenes of the book being cut but then I finally got the idea and I flowed with it. In the first scene we get to see Edward and Bella on the meadow, all in love and acting like any young couple. I love the Meadow scenes, I love Edward ( have I mentioned that?).
Like I said, I felt that the first part of the movie went too fast. In the book we were used to Bella attempting several times to run away from Edward's watch and meet Jacob in a detailed way. However, really, how would you put a 600 pages book into two hours of movie. I immediately got the idea and enjoyed the scenes.
I think the movie was absolutely well directed and produced. In terms of production it's the best of the three movies, in terms of story it is not. But then again, Eclipse has never been my favorite book, too much history and stories, not enough love scenes ( he he. See? giggling like a little girl).
My favorite scenes:
Meadow scenes: just because the meadow means a lot and usually we have a view into Edward's and Bella's relationship when they are all alone, not even Charlie sleeping next door.
Edward proposing to Bella: I felt my heart melting at every single word that came out of his mouth! My husband was next to me and still I was melting on the seat. I'm pretty sure I said something, can't remember.
Charlie's sex talk with Bella: It was so much better than in the book. I loved it! It was perfect and hilarious.
The training scenes: Amazing! We can see that they have enough budget now! I loved it.
The fight scene: Amazing as well, it is full with adrenaline and here's where the lonely guy next to me would be seating at the edge of his seat. When Bella cuts her arm he groaned.
Jasper: Yeah, I loved Jasper in this movie. He talks! Ha Ha! He has a nice voice when he is focused and serious! And we got to see Jasper and Alice kissing. So sweet!
The tent scene: That has always been one of my favorites in the book and I loved it in the movie. Not too far from what I imagined while reading it.
Bree's final scene: They did not make us suffer too much over her now that we all came to know her more. I felt really bad for her once I read the book.
What I thought it was missing:
More Jacob as a werewolf scenes with Bella: In the book Bella has a great relationship with Jacob as a werewolf. And we only get to see it one time in the whole movie. I would've love to have more of those.
The old Victoria: I was used to Victoria in the first movies. It was difficult for me to get used to it.
What made me react:
Bella asking Jacob to kiss her: Never liked it in the book, did not liked it in the movie. I wanted to close my eyes but how could I miss something like that? So, I watched and react.
All the body parts and Victoria's head: Ew. It wasn't too much but I'd never imagined that part while reading. So when I got to see that I reacted by just saying: Ew!
Edward: He always makes me react! Can't help it!
Jacob saying Edward is not that perfect: My answer to that was "He is" I said it outloud in the theater.
Maria asking Jasper to suck someone's blood: It was in spanish and what she said and how she said it was gross. That got another Ew out of me.
All in all, I loved the movie! It was amazing! I think it was great! They did the best to show everything that happens in the book and made us feel all excited about it. Now, we will be going back to watch the movie (I know I will, I know most of you will) and appreciate it even more.
I'm just glad that we have still two more movies to come and the best is yet to come! I know we all are waiting for some scenes ( ahem! Feathers!) and we will all be waiting for them!!
Have a Fangtastic Tale!
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