Last week there was no episode and I kinda missed it! But then again, I was a bit scared about what they were going to give us now. Week after week we've seen Bill with a bloody mouth, eating werewolves chunks or being raped by Lorena (ewwwwwwwwwwwww). We've seen Eric doing everything mentioned above BUT doing Lorena. And lots of blood.
This episode began as we see Sookie healing Alicide's wounds and then receives a call from Bill that acting like an asshole tells her that he does not want to be found and that he had just 'Made love' to Lorena, if that's what you can call it. Sookie cries her eyes out. The truth is that I found her crying a bit funny, I do not know if it was intended to be funny but for me it was. Alcide, being the gentleman he is, comforts her and she lets him.
Lorena tells Bill, while fixing her neck, that that was the best sex she has ever had in years (or centuries?). Bill replies by saying that at least one of them enjoyed it because it was horrible for him. I'm pretty sure it was horrible for many of us.
That very night Eric daydreams about sleeping with Sookie while watching a pole dancer. We've all seen this coming. Besides wanting to get it on with her he has feelings for her.
The next morning Sookie decides that she wants to look for Bill. Alcide calls her 'a doormat'. I really like Alcide on the book and in the series seems to be the same. However, he does not want to get involved anymore and tells her that she is on her own. Later that day, Alcide's sister gets to her place ( I do not know how) to give her a not-permanent make over so she can blend in at the were's bar. While she is doing that, Sookie gets to her thoughts and realize that Alcide's ex is having an intiation party (instead of an engagement one) to the nazi wolves, that very night.
With that, and looking all punk rock and so not believable, Sookie gets Alcide on board for the clubing night.
Bill gives out information about the Queen and Eric selling V in exchange of the permission to kill Lorena. Seems that the permission was granted but not before they went out to get something to eat and Bill was in charge to get the food. Seems that the food was coming from a strip club and Bill had to look for someone that wouldn't be missed. I did not get the point of the scene.
While Bill was getting something to eat the King said he had something to attend to and he dissapeared leaving Lorena alone. Seems that the King had to go to the were's bar to be part of the initiation of Alicide's ex. As Alcide and Sookie stare at the scene in front of them they see how the King opens up his wrist and fills shot glasses with it. What? Yeah the King himself is the one that provides the wolves with blood. He does not allow Alcide's ex to drink blood because then her 'mark' won't last. After the king leaves they mark Alcide's ex just like you would brand a horse, which is gross and just then the new boyfriend shift into wolf and licks her wound. I gotta admitt that I was afraid that the wolf was going to hump the girl. I really dont know what to expect about the series anymore. I was relieved as the wolf jumped into a speaker and start howling. Just as he did that, every man in the bar changed into a wolf. Including Alcide that, with eyes of Michael Jackson in Thriller, screams to Sookie to run.
Franklin gets info from Tara, who has already been bitten, and that is all glamoured. Then he gets her to the King's place and we have no freaking idea why that is. At least he is not having sex with her anymore, that was gross.
Jason insists on becoming a cop and has blackmailed Andy into making him one without undergoing the training and exams. Lafayette is still selling V with Eric's help. Eric gets busted in his own club while Pam get's tortured. Jessica works at Merlotte's now and Arlene is still pregnant (with Renee's kid? I do not think is the evil spawn any more). Sam's family is a bunch of drunks that have nowhere to go and have made of his parking lot a trailer park. Being the stupid fool he is, Sam is getting them a place to stay while 'they get back on their feet'. We all know that won't happen.
The Episode was less disturbing that the one before but now I can see that this season is all about what they can do to make us puke! I'm wondering when the hell is Lorena going to die, because I hate her. Sookie is turning into the stupid gal sometimes I hate in the books. And Bill is getting less cute by the season. Maybe it is that I like Eric more now and Alicide too, but I'm not liking Bill that much.
This Episode was kind of messy. And I will give a 7 out of 10! Still I will keep watching because it has very good things and some gross ones that make me wonder what's going to happen next.
Have a Fangtastic Tale!
This episode began as we see Sookie healing Alicide's wounds and then receives a call from Bill that acting like an asshole tells her that he does not want to be found and that he had just 'Made love' to Lorena, if that's what you can call it. Sookie cries her eyes out. The truth is that I found her crying a bit funny, I do not know if it was intended to be funny but for me it was. Alcide, being the gentleman he is, comforts her and she lets him.
Lorena tells Bill, while fixing her neck, that that was the best sex she has ever had in years (or centuries?). Bill replies by saying that at least one of them enjoyed it because it was horrible for him. I'm pretty sure it was horrible for many of us.
That very night Eric daydreams about sleeping with Sookie while watching a pole dancer. We've all seen this coming. Besides wanting to get it on with her he has feelings for her.
The next morning Sookie decides that she wants to look for Bill. Alcide calls her 'a doormat'. I really like Alcide on the book and in the series seems to be the same. However, he does not want to get involved anymore and tells her that she is on her own. Later that day, Alcide's sister gets to her place ( I do not know how) to give her a not-permanent make over so she can blend in at the were's bar. While she is doing that, Sookie gets to her thoughts and realize that Alcide's ex is having an intiation party (instead of an engagement one) to the nazi wolves, that very night.
With that, and looking all punk rock and so not believable, Sookie gets Alcide on board for the clubing night.
Bill gives out information about the Queen and Eric selling V in exchange of the permission to kill Lorena. Seems that the permission was granted but not before they went out to get something to eat and Bill was in charge to get the food. Seems that the food was coming from a strip club and Bill had to look for someone that wouldn't be missed. I did not get the point of the scene.
While Bill was getting something to eat the King said he had something to attend to and he dissapeared leaving Lorena alone. Seems that the King had to go to the were's bar to be part of the initiation of Alicide's ex. As Alcide and Sookie stare at the scene in front of them they see how the King opens up his wrist and fills shot glasses with it. What? Yeah the King himself is the one that provides the wolves with blood. He does not allow Alcide's ex to drink blood because then her 'mark' won't last. After the king leaves they mark Alcide's ex just like you would brand a horse, which is gross and just then the new boyfriend shift into wolf and licks her wound. I gotta admitt that I was afraid that the wolf was going to hump the girl. I really dont know what to expect about the series anymore. I was relieved as the wolf jumped into a speaker and start howling. Just as he did that, every man in the bar changed into a wolf. Including Alcide that, with eyes of Michael Jackson in Thriller, screams to Sookie to run.
Franklin gets info from Tara, who has already been bitten, and that is all glamoured. Then he gets her to the King's place and we have no freaking idea why that is. At least he is not having sex with her anymore, that was gross.
Jason insists on becoming a cop and has blackmailed Andy into making him one without undergoing the training and exams. Lafayette is still selling V with Eric's help. Eric gets busted in his own club while Pam get's tortured. Jessica works at Merlotte's now and Arlene is still pregnant (with Renee's kid? I do not think is the evil spawn any more). Sam's family is a bunch of drunks that have nowhere to go and have made of his parking lot a trailer park. Being the stupid fool he is, Sam is getting them a place to stay while 'they get back on their feet'. We all know that won't happen.
The Episode was less disturbing that the one before but now I can see that this season is all about what they can do to make us puke! I'm wondering when the hell is Lorena going to die, because I hate her. Sookie is turning into the stupid gal sometimes I hate in the books. And Bill is getting less cute by the season. Maybe it is that I like Eric more now and Alicide too, but I'm not liking Bill that much.
This Episode was kind of messy. And I will give a 7 out of 10! Still I will keep watching because it has very good things and some gross ones that make me wonder what's going to happen next.
Have a Fangtastic Tale!
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