Halfway to the Grave fell into my hands just recently. I was on the bookstore looking for some new vampire related books and I found this one. It was in spanish and I highly doubted about getting it. I had 3 or 4 books on my hands and did not know which one to pick. I asked my husband to pick the book for me, in that way I wouldn't feel so bad by leaving the other 3 poor books behind. He chose Halfway to the Grave.
Halfway to the Grave is the first of four books in the Night Huntress series. Written by Jeaniene Forst and Published on 2007.
Catherine Crawfield is a small town girl that lives with her mother and grandparents in a sort of barnhouse. She is 22 years old and the most interesting thing about her is her nature. She is a half-breed human. She is vampire on her father's side and human on her mother's. Her mother was raped by a vampire and all she was left with as a souvenir was a half-breed daughter. Needless to say, Catherine's mother hates vampires and think they are demon-like creatures. Because of that, and her miserable life, Catherine devotes her nights to chase vampires down, with silver and wood blades ,and kill them. Her M.O. is to walk into a bar, drink as much gin-tonic as she possible, since alcohol does not have effect on her, and then pretend she is a drunk horny girl that would go home with anyone that offers, usually she waits for a vampire's invitation before going getting into someone's car. That's when she kills them. Through all that, her mother encourages her and applauds every time she comes home covered in vampire blood.
The book begins as Cat is pulled aside by a police officer because of a broken tail light. She gets nervous because in the back of her truck there is a dead vampire she needs cut into pieces and dump somewhere in the fields. She manages to leave by claiming she was coming home from a "date".
One of those nights, when she went club hunting, she met a misterious vampire that refused to accept her advances. She found him different and sort of charismatic. Since he rejects her she decides to kill some other vampire but the next night she comes back looking for that interesting vampire that refused her. Sort of "the one who got away". This time he does accepts her moves and on they go in her car. As she is about to kill him he knocks her out and takes her to a cave where he makes his home. As they go into a heated fight Bones, as the vampire introduces himself, gives Cat two options. Either she becomes his partner in crime and kills all the vampires he is looking for or she dies. Obviously, Cat decides that helping him might not be so bad if she gets to slay a few vampires on her way.
They become partners and she begins her training. Even though she is fast, and her eyes turn green when she is excited and she can distinguish between vampires and humans, she is not capable to fight the old vampires Bones is after. So, Cat gets into boot camp mode where Bones kicks her ass every other day until she is good enough to fight old and faster vampires. This boot camp includes fighting, running and a dirty talk course where she is not allowed to blush.
Once they are ready to fight together the hunting begins and with that the story that will lead us through a love story where the half vampire and the vampire fall in love.
The book is no work of art. It is borderline vampire erotica and at times I think it is self indulgent. However, it gives you something to kill your time with ( no pun intended) and gets you hooked up with the story line.
I'm no Buffy fan, I gotta admit that. However, if you are, then you will love this book. It mixes the whole human-vampire-ghost world with a bit of action and a lot of sex. If you love Buffy then you might become fan of Cat Raven in no time. If you love Buffy go get this book and get hooked, you won't regret it.
Bones is an amazing character that will get women all hooked up on the series and as trashy as the sex scenes may get the love story is nice. It makes you laugh at times and sometimes just smile. You can't help but root for Bones and sometimes you want to choke Cat and definately you always want to choke Cat's mother.
As I looked at the cover and read the summary I found something very interesting: Frost's picture. And that's when the self indulgence made sense to me. Cat Raven is Jeaniene Frost. And as I've said before, I think authors often write their heroines the way they want or wish they could be. In this case, I have no doubt in my mind that Frost wrote Cat Raven with herself in mind.
In my opinion this book shouldn't be anywhere near kids under 15 years old. I found the dirty talk class a bit too much for pre-teens and the sex sceens too much for them as well. That does not mean I do not like the book, I just think that there are books for all ages and this books should be directed to adults that want a bit more of sexy action in the story.
The book is entertaining and the truth is that I am looking forward to read the next one. Despite the holes in the story and the way Frost rushes into it, I think this book is one of those you read in a superficial kind of mode. A book that won't need much of your attention and won't make you wonder about life. A book that will take you away into a world that does not make much sense but will make you blush and laugh at times.
Have a Fangtastic Tale
Halfway to the Grave is the first of four books in the Night Huntress series. Written by Jeaniene Forst and Published on 2007.
Catherine Crawfield is a small town girl that lives with her mother and grandparents in a sort of barnhouse. She is 22 years old and the most interesting thing about her is her nature. She is a half-breed human. She is vampire on her father's side and human on her mother's. Her mother was raped by a vampire and all she was left with as a souvenir was a half-breed daughter. Needless to say, Catherine's mother hates vampires and think they are demon-like creatures. Because of that, and her miserable life, Catherine devotes her nights to chase vampires down, with silver and wood blades ,and kill them. Her M.O. is to walk into a bar, drink as much gin-tonic as she possible, since alcohol does not have effect on her, and then pretend she is a drunk horny girl that would go home with anyone that offers, usually she waits for a vampire's invitation before going getting into someone's car. That's when she kills them. Through all that, her mother encourages her and applauds every time she comes home covered in vampire blood.
The book begins as Cat is pulled aside by a police officer because of a broken tail light. She gets nervous because in the back of her truck there is a dead vampire she needs cut into pieces and dump somewhere in the fields. She manages to leave by claiming she was coming home from a "date".
One of those nights, when she went club hunting, she met a misterious vampire that refused to accept her advances. She found him different and sort of charismatic. Since he rejects her she decides to kill some other vampire but the next night she comes back looking for that interesting vampire that refused her. Sort of "the one who got away". This time he does accepts her moves and on they go in her car. As she is about to kill him he knocks her out and takes her to a cave where he makes his home. As they go into a heated fight Bones, as the vampire introduces himself, gives Cat two options. Either she becomes his partner in crime and kills all the vampires he is looking for or she dies. Obviously, Cat decides that helping him might not be so bad if she gets to slay a few vampires on her way.
They become partners and she begins her training. Even though she is fast, and her eyes turn green when she is excited and she can distinguish between vampires and humans, she is not capable to fight the old vampires Bones is after. So, Cat gets into boot camp mode where Bones kicks her ass every other day until she is good enough to fight old and faster vampires. This boot camp includes fighting, running and a dirty talk course where she is not allowed to blush.
Once they are ready to fight together the hunting begins and with that the story that will lead us through a love story where the half vampire and the vampire fall in love.
The book is no work of art. It is borderline vampire erotica and at times I think it is self indulgent. However, it gives you something to kill your time with ( no pun intended) and gets you hooked up with the story line.
I'm no Buffy fan, I gotta admit that. However, if you are, then you will love this book. It mixes the whole human-vampire-ghost world with a bit of action and a lot of sex. If you love Buffy then you might become fan of Cat Raven in no time. If you love Buffy go get this book and get hooked, you won't regret it.
Bones is an amazing character that will get women all hooked up on the series and as trashy as the sex scenes may get the love story is nice. It makes you laugh at times and sometimes just smile. You can't help but root for Bones and sometimes you want to choke Cat and definately you always want to choke Cat's mother.
As I looked at the cover and read the summary I found something very interesting: Frost's picture. And that's when the self indulgence made sense to me. Cat Raven is Jeaniene Frost. And as I've said before, I think authors often write their heroines the way they want or wish they could be. In this case, I have no doubt in my mind that Frost wrote Cat Raven with herself in mind.
In my opinion this book shouldn't be anywhere near kids under 15 years old. I found the dirty talk class a bit too much for pre-teens and the sex sceens too much for them as well. That does not mean I do not like the book, I just think that there are books for all ages and this books should be directed to adults that want a bit more of sexy action in the story.
The book is entertaining and the truth is that I am looking forward to read the next one. Despite the holes in the story and the way Frost rushes into it, I think this book is one of those you read in a superficial kind of mode. A book that won't need much of your attention and won't make you wonder about life. A book that will take you away into a world that does not make much sense but will make you blush and laugh at times.
Have a Fangtastic Tale
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