Twilight, oh, Twilight! What can we say about it that haven't been said? There's no reason for me to make a full review of it. All I will do is to talk about it, what Twilight is for me and what I think about the book.
Twilight is the first of 5 books in The Twilight Saga ( Including The Second Short Life of Bree Tanner). Written by Stephenie Meyer and published on 2005.
I am one of those lucky girls in Mexico that got to own a copy in English and with the original cover, not the movie cover. I also am one of those lucky girls that got to read the full saga before the movie was out. I am one of the millions of fans of Twilight.
Twilight came to me at a time when me and my husband were completely broke. We had just gotten a job as copywriters for a vitamin company on-line. Our job consisted on translating and adjusting the facts about vitamin and suplements on the site. So, when you go on line to buy vitamins, remember me, might be something I did. My husband talked to me about Twilight, knowing my obsession with vampires, and I immediately got my mind set to read the book. The movie was months away and I was determined to read the whole saga before the movie came out.
Once I started I couldn't stop. I was addicted. Since we just had one computer back then I had to wake up early, drove to my mom's, and work on her computer. I would leave the book at home because I knew that if I had it anywhere near me I wouldn't resist the temptation and would read at least a few pages. I would listen to "Decode" all day long and I would actually feel withdrawals. Twilight withdrawals. I would come back home running and the first thing I would do was to pick up my book and read. I was completely devoted to it.
I've dedicated a lot of time to think why is this book so popular between women all ages and here is what I've come up to. Teenagers love it because they still believe in the perfect love story where they find themselves submerged into a relationship that is so consuming that they won't be able to fight it. Young adults find amazing the fact that the book describes the perfect man because they are in a stage of their lives where switching boyfriends or objects of affection is normal and have not find the perfect man, yet. Older, married women (like myself) find it amazing because it let us re-live the romance that once we lived. The amazing feeling of falling deeply in love. The feeling of the first kiss with that someone, the feeling of young and true love.
Besides the warm feeling that Twilight gave me, I think is a well written book. If you look deep into it you won't find one character that is not developed in a deep way. How deep is each character depends on the importance of it but still they are all around characters that won't leave with much questions un-answered.
It has action, love, mystery and there is no way you will read it and not react at everything that happens. I remember that while reading it I used to feel quite stupid because I would find myself smiling at the book whenever I was reading a sweet scene. I would close the book and look around. Whenever I share this with some other Twilight fan I find that everyone had this kind of reaction. Feeling stupidly drawn to Edward and happlily drunk of love. As if one was Bella.
Twilight has a vampire world that is different, it is fun, it is lovely but it also has the tortured part of every vampire book. The feeling of damnation of one's soul, the feeling of living an eternity being a monster.
Twilight saved me from depression, saved me from thinking too much about being broke and having a horrible job that I didn't like. Twilight gave me happiness and obsession over something that was my own. My own version of Edward and Bella, my own little universe where I could run to and forget about real life.
Meyer did an amazing job when she wrote Twilight. She knew exactly how to take the vampire myth and change it into something every single women in this world would love.
Even though my introduction to vampires came from Rice's vampires. My favorite vampire book, my favorite book period, is Twilight. I've read it 5 times already and every time I got that warm feeling in my heart. .Whenever I am looking for a book review the first thing that I would look for is that person's review on Twilight, then I know if we are in the same page or if we might not have the same point of view.
There is no much I could say about Twilight. We already know everything about it. All I can say is that it is amazing and whoever has not read it should run into a bookstore right now. You might not get the original cover anymore but it will be worthwhile.
Have a Fangtastic Tale.
Twilight is the first of 5 books in The Twilight Saga ( Including The Second Short Life of Bree Tanner). Written by Stephenie Meyer and published on 2005.
I am one of those lucky girls in Mexico that got to own a copy in English and with the original cover, not the movie cover. I also am one of those lucky girls that got to read the full saga before the movie was out. I am one of the millions of fans of Twilight.
Twilight came to me at a time when me and my husband were completely broke. We had just gotten a job as copywriters for a vitamin company on-line. Our job consisted on translating and adjusting the facts about vitamin and suplements on the site. So, when you go on line to buy vitamins, remember me, might be something I did. My husband talked to me about Twilight, knowing my obsession with vampires, and I immediately got my mind set to read the book. The movie was months away and I was determined to read the whole saga before the movie came out.
Once I started I couldn't stop. I was addicted. Since we just had one computer back then I had to wake up early, drove to my mom's, and work on her computer. I would leave the book at home because I knew that if I had it anywhere near me I wouldn't resist the temptation and would read at least a few pages. I would listen to "Decode" all day long and I would actually feel withdrawals. Twilight withdrawals. I would come back home running and the first thing I would do was to pick up my book and read. I was completely devoted to it.
I've dedicated a lot of time to think why is this book so popular between women all ages and here is what I've come up to. Teenagers love it because they still believe in the perfect love story where they find themselves submerged into a relationship that is so consuming that they won't be able to fight it. Young adults find amazing the fact that the book describes the perfect man because they are in a stage of their lives where switching boyfriends or objects of affection is normal and have not find the perfect man, yet. Older, married women (like myself) find it amazing because it let us re-live the romance that once we lived. The amazing feeling of falling deeply in love. The feeling of the first kiss with that someone, the feeling of young and true love.
Besides the warm feeling that Twilight gave me, I think is a well written book. If you look deep into it you won't find one character that is not developed in a deep way. How deep is each character depends on the importance of it but still they are all around characters that won't leave with much questions un-answered.
It has action, love, mystery and there is no way you will read it and not react at everything that happens. I remember that while reading it I used to feel quite stupid because I would find myself smiling at the book whenever I was reading a sweet scene. I would close the book and look around. Whenever I share this with some other Twilight fan I find that everyone had this kind of reaction. Feeling stupidly drawn to Edward and happlily drunk of love. As if one was Bella.
Twilight has a vampire world that is different, it is fun, it is lovely but it also has the tortured part of every vampire book. The feeling of damnation of one's soul, the feeling of living an eternity being a monster.
Twilight saved me from depression, saved me from thinking too much about being broke and having a horrible job that I didn't like. Twilight gave me happiness and obsession over something that was my own. My own version of Edward and Bella, my own little universe where I could run to and forget about real life.
Meyer did an amazing job when she wrote Twilight. She knew exactly how to take the vampire myth and change it into something every single women in this world would love.
Even though my introduction to vampires came from Rice's vampires. My favorite vampire book, my favorite book period, is Twilight. I've read it 5 times already and every time I got that warm feeling in my heart. .Whenever I am looking for a book review the first thing that I would look for is that person's review on Twilight, then I know if we are in the same page or if we might not have the same point of view.
There is no much I could say about Twilight. We already know everything about it. All I can say is that it is amazing and whoever has not read it should run into a bookstore right now. You might not get the original cover anymore but it will be worthwhile.
Have a Fangtastic Tale.
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